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Sophie Devi

Hello and warm welcome. I am a professional Tantra masseuse with a purpose to guide you in your exploration of sensuality and self.

Tantra Massage offers a deeply intimate and relaxing experience that awakens and channels your sensual energy. This practice encourages you to explore pleasure while nurturing spiritual connections with your inner self and others.

The session typically begins with breath work to ground yourself in the present moment and with eye gazing to establish a connection with each other. This is followed by a soft full-body oil massage, involving the laying of hands on various body parts, applying warm oil with gentle strokes, holding hands, synchronizing breath, and occasionally incorporating body contact. While the recipient of the massage is usually in a passive position, a bit of consensual mutual touch can be allowed in a safe and respectful environment. Toward the end of the session comes Lingam or Yoni Massage, an intimate massage that can release physical and emotional tensions, promote relaxation, and facilitate the flow of sexual energy throughout the body. The session concludes with a moment of stillness, during which you can completely let go and surrender to the present moment.

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